Support for writing, development and production of genre films

Funding provided by

More info about the fund

Funding details

Region :

Grand Est

Production stage(s) :

Development, Writing, Production

Type of financial support :


Expected local effect :


Allocation decision process :

View of the Consultative Committee
View of the Culture Commission
Vote in the Permanent Commission

Beneficiaries :

Authors, Producers

Film genre :

Short film, Long feature film (fiction), TV series (fiction), TV fiction

Maximum amount of financial assistance :

260 000 € max.

5,000 € for writing support 20,000 € for development support 30,000 € for short film production support 260,000 € for feature film production support

Submission schedule :

1 annual submission date: 15 March

Eligibility requirements :

You are eligible if you are :


  • The main author of the project, of French nationality or resident in an EC member state, established in the Grand Est or with a significant track record in the Grand Est.


  • The project must be developed by an author from the Grand Est and/or with a track record in the Grand Est.
  • The delegated production company must have a tax address in the Grand Est.

Short and feature film production :

  • Company delegated to produce the work, with an APE code for the production of motion pictures or video and television programs at the time the grant is paid (for feature film projects, company capital = €45,000).
  • Company established in France or in a member state of the European Economic Area and/or in the Grand Est region of France.
  • Company in a sound financial situation and in compliance with its regulatory, tax and social obligations.
  • Producer or delegated co-producer of the work (able to obtain selective assistance from the CNC (selective assistance, COSIP, WEBCOSIP).Line producer mentioned in the pre-purchase agreement with the broadcaster, if applicable.


And if your project meets one or more of the following criteria:


Writing :

  • The project must be written by an author from the Grand Est and/or with a background in the Grand Est.

Development :

  • Only for feature films
  • The film must be shot entirely in the region.

Short film production: 3 of the following 5 criteria:

  • The author must be resident in the Grand Est region and/or have a significant track record in the region.
  • The line producer must be based in the Grand Est region.
  • Filming must take place almost entirely in the Grand Est region
  • The project must make significant use of Grand Est post-production companies.
  • The project must be the director’s first professional project.


Feature film production: all mandatory criteria:

  • The project must be shot entirely in the Grand Est region
  • The project must receive initial support
  • The project must involve a significant proportion of regional expenditure: production activity, animation and sound design in connection with animation, and part of post-production must be carried out in the Grand Est region, using local resources as much as possible.
Form wrtiting genre films Form short film genre films Form Long feature film genre films See website for further information


Région Grand Est

1 Place Adrien Zeller, Strasbourg, France
