Debate| Can Stuttgart become a model city for greenshooting?

Time : from 15h00 to 16h30
Spoken languages :

In times of climate change, it is becoming increasingly important for every industry to address the issue of sustainability. The film industry is not exempt from this, as it continues to produce very high CO2 emissions. As of this year, a voluntary commitment is intended to ensure that film productions become more ecologically sustainable.

MFG Baden-Württemberg invites you to a CinEuro panel discussion where representatives of the city of Stuttgart, the Film Commissions Region Stuttgart and Freiburg as well as professionals from the region will discuss the question “Can Stuttgart become a model city for greenshooting? The aim of the event is to provide impulses for greenshooting in Stuttgart in order to maintain the city as an attractive cross-border film location and make it fit for the future.


  • Jan Kohlmeyer (Head of Climate Protection City of Stuttgart)
  • Fabian Kiefer (Film Commssion Freiburg)
  • Gudrun Weiler (Green Consultant)
  • Maximilian Höhnle (MFG Baden-Württemberg)


  • Vanessa Valkovic

COVID measures

To participate, you will be asked for a certificate of vaccination, a negative PCR or antigen test, or a certificate of recovery.


More information and registration