

This page is intended to guide you in using the site. To know the level of accessibility of this site, visit the declaration of conformity to the RGAA 3.0 (Under audit).

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) defines Web accessibility as follows: “Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web. Specifically, that they can perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. Web accessibility also benefits others, including the elderly whose abilities change with age.
Web accessibility includes all disabilities that affect access to the Web, which includes visual, hearing, physical, speech, cognitive and neurological disabilities.”

See introduction of the WAI.

Site map

The site is structured in 5 sections, each accessible from the main navigation menu:

  • Home
  • Network
  • The project
  • News
  • Agenda

Other navigation systems :

  • a site map accessible via a link located at the foot of the page;
  • a breadcrumb trail placed directly under the main menu shows you where you are and the path taken to get to the page you are on.

Title navigation

  • The level 1 title corresponds to the main title of the page or article viewed.
  • The level 2 title is the title of a section of the article consulted.
  • The level 3 title is a subtitle of the article consulted.

Most assistive technologies and browsers facilitate navigation by titles. Most screen readers provide a feature to jump to the next title.

Quick access links

Quick access links are not present on this site.

Plugins or software necessary to read certain documents on the site

This site can offer PDF documents for download. You may need to install a plugin or software on your playback device to read this format.

This site can offer Word or Excel documents. You may need to install a plugin or software on your playback device to read this format.

Keyboard navigation for interactive components

The site embeds components based on java-script technology. Their structure and keyboard behavior do not currently comply with international recommendations. Thus the navigation menu cannot be used by the keyboard.

Report a malfunction

If, despite our vigilance, you encounter the slightest problem of accessibility on our site, do not hesitate to contact us via our error reporting form.

Rights defender

If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing a content or functionality of the site, and you report it to us and do not manage to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Rights Defender. Several means are available to you:

  • a contact form ;
  • the list of the delegate(s) in your region delegate(s) in your region with their direct contact information;
  • a postal adress: Le Défenseur des droits – 7 rue Saint-Florentin – 75409 Paris Cedex 08.